Burlington, VT - Shark Communications, an integrated branding, marketing, search, and web development company, boosted web-based bookings for The Woodstock Inn & Resort, Woodstock, Vermont by slightly more than 71% over the previous quarter with the launch of a new website for The Inn. The new website, which went live in late December 2009, features a completely redesigned brand interface, improved architecture and navigation, a more powerful and modular web technology platform, and a strategically integrated booking engine. During the website redevelopment process, Shark also migrated onto the main website several freestanding, landing pages which the agency employed as online customer acquisition tools for The Inn. The new website and landing pages are supported by Shark's integrated online marketing program which includes Search Engine Marketing, Digital Public Relations, Social Media Marketing, a loyalty-based customer relationship management program, and more. Shark has also added a new, successful email marketing program that integrates outbound promotions-based email with optimized destination pages on the website.
Visit www.woodstockinn.com to learn more about The Woodstock Inn & Resort.
Some Hotel Internet Marketing with a pair of French Language Marketing Ads for Quebec
Shark's Hotel Internet Marketing helps acquire customers and build brands. Our use of both text-based and image ads mix well with various hotel marketing and sales strategies and deliver some of the most immediately accountable results in all of our hotel advertising programs.
Aussi - nous sommes une agence de marketing bilingue - we're a bilingual agency that knows the Quebec market very well, and we offer French language marketing to Canada.
Sensationally Summer - hotel email marketing.
Our email marketing has basicaly been "killing it" over the past five months. This is the latest in a series of email promotions.
New hotel ads destined for Metro Boston market.
Local Luxury Hospitality Marketing.
Online marketing takes shape for an elegant, new spa in New England. Here's a first draft..
Spa marketing evolving in tandem with website development.

On-site spa posters are now moving forward with the new logo and website development.
A Spa Website begins to take shape.

Marketing for The Spa at The Woodstock Inn & Resort continues to unfold with a new website. The micor-site is designed to integrate with the resort's main website, utilizes a soft palette, and builds off of the "sprig" logo.
The Landing Page - a fast and nimble online marketing strategy - especially for hotels and resorts.
Landing pages are customized, online sales strategies that generally produce much better conversion rates than simply directing people into the home page of a web site. Landing pages have proven themselves as fast and nimble, online lead generation and customer acquisition tools. Well-crafted landing pages almost always sport better conversion rates than simply dumping people into the home page of your site. During the "economic crisis" we used the economy of landing pages in place of large scale web development to support our clients businesses. However, with Google's "birdge page" penalties, we're now moving some landing pages inside the main website and continuing to direct traffic with a mix of SEM and our Digital PR. Works great!
Twigs embrace in a new logo for a new world-class Spa launching in Vermont.
With contruction well on its way for what could prove to be one of New England's premier spa and resort destinations, Shark has been developing the spa's branding in coordination with the innovative design approach being taken by NY Architects Asfour Guzy. We've avoided the overused Bamboo leaf, and now have a logo that is disitinct and yet integrated with the Woodstock Inn & Resort's brand architecture put in place by Shark over the past two years.
A Redesigned Website for The Woodstock Inn & Resort in Vermont.
The new Woodstockinn.com is now live, with a "Big Visual, Get to the point" development strategy behind it. The Preferred Hotels booking engine has been embedded to follow visitors throughout the site, and pages are easily managed for search engine optimization.
An Adrian Award coming our way for Shark's hotel and hospitality marketing.

Recent direct mail work for Meetings in New England a.k.a. The Woodstock Inn's group sales business will get a trophy at the upcoming HSMAI ceremony in New York City. Here's the trophy ( I think) and a link to the new website will be up soon - following the launch of a new website for the Inn & Resort itself!
Successful Hotel Marketing - once again from Shark Communications.
Yup, sex sells but this ad is only one component of a complete, integrated marketing communications program for the Woodstock Inn & Resort. More abou our social media marketing for hotels and resorts is here.
Hard Hats in elevators.
The Spa continues to be headed for a 2010 launch. Elegant, cool, hey, just like our work!
Some more noise, now with Orchids for Architect Peter Guzy.
We're still organizing the in-house communications for architect Peter Guzy's new spa for The Woodstock Inn & Resort. Construction is underway with a summer 2010 opening.
Spa marketing or the Yin and Yang of calming the customers.
One of our clients just broke ground on the development of a new spa. Luxurious and green retreat. At the moment, however, bulldozers and hardhats aren't helping to promote much tranquility so we're launching a new in-house campaign.
Our new Serenity package running in Boston.com.
Big Jim likes it, great deal, nice looking....
Arts + Culture Wordpress Blog
We're building a new Arts + Culture travel blog. This header is kind of fun. Visit www.woodstockartandculture.com
We 're charged with getting companies to stop sitting on their hands...
and start planning retreats and meetings. Our new direct mail campaign is keyed into the current corporate "hunker down" mentality. To be honest, creatively we started on the "A Stimulus Package For Your Company.." but it was the client, big Jim, or the sales staff in Boston, who rightly sent us in a "let's rise up and get positive " direction.